axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive—№ 36,730

                      1. A thread 🧵of content I've written, spoken, produced or hosted. I'll keep adding to it as I create new or remember more of the old. 😊 First out, as it can relate to most other things I’m making these days, is The Elements of Digital Ethics:
                    1. …in reply to @axbom
                      My talk on AI and Human Rights hosted by Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) has a full transcript, so you can choose to watch or read it. All the slides are available in this post as well.
                  1. …in reply to @axbom
                    The first talk I did on design ethics in English was at uxlx (User Experience Lisbon) in May 2016. I received such overwhelming positive feedback it felt like the start of something new for me. It was.❤️ The Invisible Problem with Fairytale Experiences.
                1. …in reply to @axbom
                  Now I became quite emotional reading the audience reactions to that talk, which I hadn’t looked at in years. That talk was an English blog post (based on a Swedish talk) before I took it to Lisbon. Read it here:
              1. …in reply to @axbom
                Since then my writing has often progressed to encompass a much broader perspective on universal wellbeing. Here’s what I mean by that:
            1. …in reply to @axbom
              My intent has been to be as practical as possible, not only highlighting problems in digital but also inspiring to new ways of working. This resulted in a handbook in 2019, available on several digital platforms. Workshop participants get a hardcopy. 😊
          1. …in reply to @axbom
            The reason for a panda on the cover of my book is this model that I've been teaching and using with clients since 2017. Though I really should update this description of the panda a bit.😅
        1. …in reply to @axbom
          While I take a break in this thread of content, I'll also remind about my free newsletter, sharing lots of content every month on responsible innovation, digital gone wrong and hopeful happenings. It's often where I become my most personal.
      1. …in reply to @axbom
        Speaking of personal content, in the talk I gave at UXCopenhagen in 2020, a conference that quickly moved online for pandemic reasons, I wanted to show what we in design can learn from medical ethics. Full transcript available if you'd rather read:
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      At UXCopenhagen I met the brilliant epenzeymoog who does powerful work in creating awareness on domestic abuse enabled by digital. Buy her book Design For Safety! I featured her thoughts in this post on Apple AirTags. Link to Eva's book at the bottom.
  1. …in reply to @axbom
    On the topic of Apple, I sometimes do these deep dives explaining what a controversy is about. Like this writeup I did when Apple’s announced CSAM detection feature caused outrage. That Apple feature has since been ‘delayed’ without further information.
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      Other deep dives I do can have to do with topics that I find intriguing and may at first seem unrelated to digital ethics, but to me actually do play a part in the systemic faults of moral consideration. Such as the common world map.
      1. …in reply to @axbom
        From time to time I will highlight surveillance technology that is rarely talked about and also extremely hard to avoid. Such as the fact that the way you type on a keyboard is unique, can be tracked and could serve as a biometric identifier.
        1. …in reply to @axbom
          The 'joke' goes that the proprietor of a shop having only access by stairs likes to emphasise they have never had wheelchair users come in to complain. I wrote this after attending an event that did a poor job of accommodating to the needs of a friend:
          1. …in reply to @axbom
            Sometimes I doodle and my content takes on a life of its own. This quick sketch I made during breakfast received huge, unexpected attention today. I put other work aside so I could grab this opportunity to communicate its meaning. The Trouble Diamond.
            1. …in reply to @axbom
              When a thinking framework becomes popularised without sufficiently acknowledging how it contributes to negative impact, I offer a counterview to bring in more perspectives. This is why I addressed these issues with the immensely popular book Hooked.
              1. …in reply to @axbom
                When it comes to the concept of tech addiction there are many views and thoughts about its impact, and even if it's really a thing. In this article I try to untangle the debate, exemplifying with Gaming Disorder in International Classification of Diseases.
                1. …in reply to @axbom
                  I interrupt this thread for a personal pitch😁 If my content resonates with you and you’re in a position to make it happen, I would absolutely be interested in writing a regular column (paid) for a magazine. Writing is a passion and it would be wonderful to spend more time on it.
                  oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                  1. …in reply to @axbom
                    Sometimes I’ll write a post that summarises many differents aspects of digital ethics that is on my mind at the time. This article from 2019 is adapted from a talk that was never recorded.
                    1. …in reply to @axbom
                      Understanding supply chain dependencies required for our every day tech devices can be both frustrating and painful. But I am convinced we need to talk about it more to hold any hope for change, and do better in the future.
                      1. …in reply to @axbom
                        I’ve been blogging for a long time. It’s a privilege, and sometimes cringeworthy, to be able to revisit things written many years ago. In this post from 1999, while still very naive, I think I was on to something. 😉
                        1. …in reply to @axbom
                          In a stroke of inspiration I started drawing a comic strip a week ago. I haven’t decided on a schedule going forward but I got four strips done in the first week. Mastodon: WildExploits" class="tweet-url"> Twitter: @WildExploits Web: