axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive

37,047 tweets

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  1. 25 years of online resilience « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  2. The many branches of the Fediverse « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  3. 10 quick Mastodon tips « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  4. Vad begränsar egentligen svenskarna när de använder Internet? « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  5. Den omöjliga översättningen « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  6. Why I left algorithm-based social media and what happened next « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  7. Bli inte lurad « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  8. Usability-trender hösten 2002 « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  9. E-book: AceAwe « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  10. Three lessons from a man who averted nuclear war by not trusting a computer « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  11. Använd burner mail för att skydda din vanliga e-post « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  12. Flashing content that can trigger seizures « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  13. Det olustiga ljudet av spårning online « Auto-postad till Twitter. Per ser inte kommentarer här. »
  14. The creepy sound of online trackers « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »
  15. Mindless data collection « Auto-posted to Twitter. Per will not see comments here. »


  1. 1) In 2008 a salmon (yes the fish) was put through an MRI scanner. The salmon was shown a series of photographs of humans in social situations, and asked to determine the emotion of the person in the photo (yes, really).
  2. The captcha and the 'Contact Us' button are perfect 😂😭 #digitalexperience
  3. One of the suspects of the incident #LastNightInSweden arrested by police. Our polar bear problem is YUGE! Sad.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. The Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin invented the 3-point seatbelt in 1959. In 2002, the year of Bohlin's death, it was estimated the seatbelt had saved more than one million lives. The design was given away for free to competitors, for the benefit of humanity rather than profit.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. My passion for the world of vampires certainly grew thanks to Anne Rice. In remembrance of her genius I pledge to consume more vampiric content during the upcoming holidays. 🧛‍♀️ #AnneRice
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. "What does the research say?" When people repeatedly ask this it seems they are asking "What are the facts?". But shouldn't they also ask: * Who paid for the research? * Who performed the research? * Who was part of the research? * Has it been replicated? 🤔

I’ve retweeted other tweets 6,407 times (17.3%)

Most Retweeted

  1. uxpodcast 375 retweets
  2. axbom 208 retweets
  3. beantin 182 retweets
  4. letterpress_se 131 retweets
  5. Acuity_Design 123 retweets
  6. janeruffino 75 retweets
  7. hypervisible 62 retweets
  8. IATV 53 retweets
  9. baekdal 51 retweets
  10. cydharrell 45 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. axbom 32 retweets
  2. MissIG_Geek 8 retweets
  3. leeloowrites 8 retweets
  4. beantin 6 retweets
  5. Abebab 6 retweets
  6. uxpodcast 6 retweets
  7. WildExploits 5 retweets
  8. mmitchell_ai 4 retweets
  9. tante 4 retweets
  10. Acuity_Design 4 retweets

Replies and Mentions

43.8% of my tweets are replies (×16,210)

Most Replies To

  1. beantin 747 replies
  2. letterpress_se 436 replies
  3. JesperBylund 239 replies
  4. m8rt 161 replies
  5. clartem 135 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. Loukas_doula 21 replies
  2. beantin 10 replies
  3. HERO_Respondi 9 replies
  4. kolombiken 7 replies
  5. tsvenson 7 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 1,106 times (3.0%)

51.2% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (5,766 of 11,255)

96.3% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (343 of 356)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.undefined 2362 tweets
  2. axbom.undefined 786 tweets
  3. bit.undefined 755 tweets
  4. buff.undefined 602 tweets
  5. xbm.undefined 550 tweets
  6. medium.undefined 298 tweets
  7. j.undefined 265 tweets
  8. per.undefined 261 tweets
  9. zite.undefined 170 tweets
  10. beant.undefined 157 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 2342 tweets
  2. 752 tweets
  3. 602 tweets
  4. 550 tweets
  5. 265 tweets
  6. 261 tweets
  7. 254 tweets
  8. 244 tweets
  9. 235 tweets
  10. 170 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 30,538 retweets and ❤️ 111,903 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😂 used 416 times on 395 tweets
  2. 😅 used 180 times on 180 tweets
  3. 😬 used 167 times on 166 tweets
  4. 😊 used 156 times on 156 tweets
  5. 🙏 used 135 times on 135 tweets

276 unique emoji on 2,269 tweets (7.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. ux used 1511 times on 1509 tweets
  2. uxlx used 368 times on 350 tweets
  3. sswc used 154 times
  4. almedalen used 130 times on 129 tweets
  5. webbdagarna used 121 times

7,599 hashtags on 7,571 tweets (24.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 91 times on 77 tweets
  2. d_mn used 87 times
  3. s_ut used 32 times on 31 tweets
  4. h_ll used 27 times
  5. a_s used 18 times

342 swear words on 324 tweets (1.1% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets