Apple launched a product aimed at keeping track of your belongings: AirTag. Small round tiles attach to keys, bags and vehicles, allowing you to track them on a map. They also introduce a risk for people who are targets of domestic abuse. #DigitalEthics axbom.com/apple-airtag-abuse/
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*facepalm* I do hope those are ironic quotation marks though, and not the word the executives used. 9to5mac.com/2021/04/22/apple-execs-explain-how-airtag-is-stalker-proof-and-whether-you-should-use-it-to-track-pets/
…in reply to @axbom
Today I have learned there is no end to the number of people standing at the ready to jump in with: "but people will always use technology to abuse" and willing to leave it at that. Tomorrow is another day.
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- …in reply to @axbom
- …in reply to @axbom