axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive—№ 34,030

        1. "Banana republic" coups was always an American invention. In 1954, under the guise of fighting "communism" the US covertly deposed democratically elected Guatemalan president Árbenz and replaced him with a dictator. The coup was in support of United Fruit Company, today Chiquita.
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @axbom
        Please do read more about the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat: "The CIA armed, funded, and trained a force of 480 men led by Carlos Castillo Armas. The coup was preceded by U.S. efforts to criticize and isolate Guatemala internationally."état
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      And then read about the United Fruit Company and how Chiquita's banana industry brought environmental destruction, slave-like exploitation of workers, massacres and corrupt military governments to Latin America.
  1. …in reply to @axbom
    Before the Guatemalan coup, their first democratically elected leader introduced minimum wage and near-universal suffrage, and turned Guatemala into a democracy. Árbenz then instituted land reforms which granted property to landless peasants. This is what the US did not tolerate.