…in reply to @axbom
Please do read more about the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat: "The CIA armed, funded, and trained a force of 480 men led by Carlos Castillo Armas. The coup was preceded by U.S. efforts to criticize and isolate Guatemala internationally." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1954_Guatemalan_coup_d%27état
…in reply to @axbom
And then read about the United Fruit Company and how Chiquita's banana industry brought environmental destruction, slave-like exploitation of workers, massacres and corrupt military governments to Latin America. link.medium.com/F5mYovkQ9cb
…in reply to @axbom
Before the Guatemalan coup, their first democratically elected leader introduced minimum wage and near-universal suffrage, and turned Guatemala into a democracy. Árbenz then instituted land reforms which granted property to landless peasants. This is what the US did not tolerate.