This robot hand has pores that sweat through a flesh-like outer layer, can vent out the smell of shampoo and a small speaker plays the sounds of footsteps—all to support the illusion of human companionship. futurism.com/the-byte/scientists-japan-build-robot-hold-hands-lonely-people
…in reply to @axbom
"In a pandemic where touch is a proven vector, paradoxically it’s also a part of the cure." aeon.co/essays/touch-is-a-language-we-cannot-afford-to-forget?utm_source=Aeon+Newsletter&utm_campaign=0cde878e28-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_10_30_12_25&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-0cde878e28-70597045