A Swedish hospital is making face shields from A4 transparencies (the foils for overhead projectors), elastic bands and a foam rubber strip. It’s judged to be as effective as other products on the market, albeit non-reusable. Image from LinkedIn post: linkedin.com/posts/sodersjukhuset_hjaeultarpaevsaems-innovationpaevsaems-saemsinnovation-activity-6646809508158939136-F99i 1/3
…in reply to @axbom
The hospital innovation team earlier this week were assigned the task of making face shield prototypes. They came up with four variants and one deemed viable was tested in the ER and well-received. Medical students and other functions started production at 10 am yesterday. 2/3
…in reply to @axbom
They made 1,463 face shields, covering the weekend demand. In 48 hours they went from research to ideation to prototyping and testing. And have now delivered 1,463 items. Other hospitals in the Stockholm region now want in on the production. Source: linkedin.com/posts/sodersjukhuset_hjaeultarpaevsaems-innovationpaevsaems-saemsinnovation-activity-6646809508158939136-F99i 3/3
…in reply to @axbom
The same innovation team are at it again, this time making protective suits. sodersjukhuset.se/skyddsforkladen
…in reply to @axbom
Here's a video they made on how to make the face shields: vimeo.com/400230450