axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive—№ 30,130

  1. …in reply to @Documentalope
    Documentalope Awesome. We need to find time to talk about this in the future. I should spend more time on expanding on my thinking. Every tweet has the potential for a blog post. 😁
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      Documentalope I do find situations where this makes more sense. I am for example with you all the way with website redesigns which happen way too often. Also, when they happen they rarely do enough by way of changing structure, content, goals, etc. So not enough destruction 😊.
      1. …in reply to @axbom
        Documentalope And perhaps it’s not one or the other but the speed of both that is the problem, which speaks to how Tatiana was looking at it. Slow micro-destruction and slow micro-improvements in unison. Anyway, gonna let these thoughts putter around for a while.