axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive—№ 27,824

    1. Speaker tip. When you call out people saying they do not need to take photos of your slides because you will provide a link, you are often unecessarily calling out behavior that many people find comforting and helpful. And they may not want all slides. 1/3
  1. …in reply to @axbom
    Of course providing slides is tremendously useful for many. Do it. But do not imply that a behavior is unnecessary based on your own assumptions about the reasons for that behavior. 2/3
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      In fact, if you see people take photos, the helpful thing will be to stay on that slide long enough for people to do just that, without judging anyone. 3/3 (And stay with the link to the slides long enough for people to write it down.)