axbom’s avataraxbom’s Twitter Archive—№ 26,150

      1. Of Sweden’s 10 million people, the number eligible to vote today are 7,492,837. Turnout last election (2014) was 85% and 42% voted in advance. 7 parties are expected to be voted into parliament. More info on the electoral system: #valet2018 #val2018
    1. …in reply to @axbom
      8.00: Polling places open 9.40: Prime minister votes 19.45: TV4 reports their election day findings 20.00: Polling places close 20.00: SVT reports their election day findings 21.30: SVT first forecast Sweden is at GMT+2 #val2018
  1. …in reply to @axbom
    Edit: GMT+1 😅 (unless it's daylight savings time 🤪)